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2012-05-02 00:00 浏览次数:815次 来源:世界珠心算联合会




















①加减算110题,共5张试卷,每题为10行,全部为整数题,每5题中前3题为纯加题,后2题为加减混合题,加减混合题每题3行减数。第一张试卷30题,每题4位3行、3位4行、2位3行,30个数码,30题900个数码。第二、三、四、五张试卷,每张20题,每题4位4行、5位2行、6位4行, 50个数码,80题4000个数码。5张试卷共计4900个数码。不设倒减法题(补数题)。

































2、参赛领队、教练及选手具体名单按附件2《世界珠算心算联合会第四届珠心算比赛报名表》要求填写, 一名选手限选一组,不得重复报名。上报时间为2012年6月20至7月10日,此表需上报纸制表格和电子版。填表时请注意,每组前3人是报名时提前指定参加团体赛的选手,一经上报无特殊情况不得变更,如急需变更,请在2012年7月20日前上报世珠联秘书处,过期无效。




联 系 人:景婉博 联系电话(传真):86-10-88191327

木京梅 联系电话(传真):86-10-88191321



Arrangement for the 4th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

This arrangement is formulated on the basis of 《Arrangement of the Third Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic》and simultaneously combining with the opinions on improving competition management work detailed in《The Summary on the 2nd Executive Council Meeting of the Third Council of WAAMA》.

I. Group Division

Competitors are divided into 5 groups (Group of player, Group A of student, Group B of student and Group A and B for preschool children). The competitors from Japan, China and Chinese Taipei are not permitted to attend Group B contest. There are no restrictions for competitors from other countries and regions. The organization of member is not allowed to borrow players from other organization to join the competition. If it happens and is verified, the player’s qualification will be cancelled. In order to let more people have opportunity to participate in this competition, the individual contest this time is open-ended (in the last competition, we stipulated that each team could dispatch 3 players to join the group contest). In addition, we will organize the old-aged people to demonstrate their abacus and mental arithmetic skill in the competition. Mr. Yeh, Tseng-Yi, vice president of WAAMA will be in charge of old group exhibition game.

i. Group of player: There will be no age limitation.

ii. Group A of student: Competitors born after Jan. 1, 1999 can participate in this group contest.

iii. Group B of student: There will be no age limitation.

iv. Group A and B for preschool children: Competitors born after Jan. 1, 2005 can participate in this group contest.

II. Types and event, pattern and quantity of the questions, time and grading criteria.

i. Each Group has team contest. Group of player, Group A and B for student have individual all-round contest. Group A and B for preschool children have individual event.

In team contest, each unit of member organization is regarded as individual contestant. Each of them can dispatch 3 competitors to team contest. No score is given to the team with less than 3 competitors. 3 competitors must be specified at the time of registration. The final result of team contest for Group of player, Group A and B for student is the summation of 3 individual competitors’ score in individual all-round contest. The final result of team contest for Group A and B for preschool children is the summation of 3 individual competitors’ score in individual event.

As for individual all-around contest, there are no quota restrictions for member organizations to dispatch their own competitors. The total point of the three items, i.e. Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division is the final result for each individual competitor.

As for individual event, there are no quota restrictions for member organizations to dispatch their own competitors. Each competitor’s score in the item of Addition-and-Subtraction will be used as the final result of contest for individual event.

ii. Contest Event:

Group of player, Group A and B for student: Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.

Group A and B for preschool children: Addition-and-Subtraction.

iii. Pattern and Quantity of Questions.

i) Group of player

a. There are 60 questions on Addition-and-Subtraction written on 4 test papers. Each paper has 15 questions. There are 15 lines vertically written in each question, and all figures are integer numbers. Each question has a set of numerals among 6 to 10 digits, and there are 3 lines for each. The first 3 questions in every 5 questions are pure Addition. The last 2 questions are the mix-questions of Addition-and-Subtraction, and each question has 5 lines with Subtraction sign. There are all-together 7200 numerals in total for 60 questions. Each question has 120 numerals. There will be no negative result in each line calculation (i.e. questions with compliment).

b. There are 120 questions on Multiplication written on 2 test papers. Each paper has 60 questions. The figure for both multiplicand and multiplier must stand for 11 digits. The format is as follows: 5 digits × 6 digits; 6 digits × 5 digits; 7 digits × 4 digits; 4 digits × 7 digits. And each format stands for a quarter of all the questions. The questions on integer take up 60%, which means that there are 72 questions in total. The questions on decimal points take up 40%, which means there are 48 questions in total. For decimal questions, 3 digits should be remained after the decimal point, and the 4th digit should be round off.

c. There are 120 questions on Division written on 2 test papers. Each paper has 60 questions. The figure for both dividend and divisor must stand for 11 digits. The format is as follows: ? ÷ 5 digits = 6 digits; ? ÷ 6 digits = 5 digits; ? ÷ 7 digits = 4 digits; ? ÷ 4 digits = 7 digits. And each format takes up a quarter of all the questions. The questions on aliquot take up 60%, which means that there are 72 questions in total. The questions on decimal points take up 40%, which means there are 48 questions in total. For decimal questions, 3 digits should be remained after the decimal point, and the 4th digit should be round off.

ii) Group A and B for student

a. There are 110 questions on Addition-and-Subtraction written on 5 test papers and all figures are integer numbers. The first 3 questions in every 5 questions are pure Addition. The last 2 questions are the mix-questions of Addition-and-Subtraction, and each question has 3 lines with Subtraction sign. The first paper has 30 questions. There are 10 lines vertically written in each question, of which the numerals with 4 digits take up 3 lines each, the numerals with 3 digits take up 4 lines each, the numerals with 2 digits take up 3 lines each. Each question has 30 digits. 30 questions have 900 digits. There are 20 questions separately in the second, third, fourth and fifth paper. There are 10 lines vertically written in each question, of which the numerals with 4 digits take up 4 lines each, the numerals with 5 digits take up 2 lines each, the numerals with 6 digits take up 4 lines each. Each question has 50 digits. 80 questions have 4000 digits in total. There are 4900 digits in five papers at last. There will be no negative result in each line calculation (i.e. questions with compliment).

b. There are 360 questions on Multiplication written on 3 test papers and all figures are positive integer numbers. Each paper has 120 questions. The figure for both multiplicand and multiplier in the first paper must stand for 4 or 5 digits, of which 2 digits × 2 digits takes up 20% of all questions, 3 digits × 2 digits and 2 digits × 3 digits take up 40% separately in all questions. In the second and third paper, the figure for both multiplicand and multiplier must stand for 6 digits, of which 3 digits × 3 digits, 2 digits × 4 digits and 4 digits × 2 digits stand for one third separately in all questions.

c. There are 360 questions on Division written on 3 test papers. Each paper has 120 questions. All questions should be aliquot. The figure for both dividend and divisor in the first paper must stand for 4 or 5 digits, of which ?÷ 2 digits = 2 digits takes up 20% of all questions, ?÷ 3 digits = 2 digits and ?÷ 2 digits = 3 digits take up 40% separately in all questions. In the second and the third paper, the figure for both dividend and divisor must stand for 6 digits, of which ?÷ 3 digits = 3 digits, ?÷ 2 digits = 4 digits, ?÷ 4 digits = 2 digits stand for one third separately in all questions.

iii) Group A and B for preschool children

There are 150 questions on Addition-and-Subtraction written on 5 test papers and all figures are integer numbers. Each paper has 30 questions. The first 3 questions in every 5 questions are pure Addition. The last 2 questions are the mix-questions of Addition-and-Subtraction. In the first paper, there are 6 lines vertically written in each question, of which the numerals with 1 digit take up 3 lines each, the numerals with 2 digits take up 2 lines each, the numerals with 3 digits take up 1 line each. Each mix-questions of Addition-and-Subtraction has 2 lines with Subtraction sign. 30 questions have 300 digits (each question has 10 digits). In the second, third, fourth and fifth paper, there are 10 lines vertically written in each question, of which the numerals with 2 digits take up 4 lines each, the numerals with 3 digits take up 2 lines each, the numerals with 4 digits take up 4 lines each. Each mix-question of Addition-and-Subtraction has 3 lines with Subtraction sign. Each question has 30 digits. 120 questions have 3600 digits in total. There are 3900 digits in five papers at last. There will be no negative result in each line calculation (i.e. questions with compliment).

iv. Time and Way of Contest: There are 5 minutes for each type of questions, i.e. Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Each contest is set by time limit and number of questions of each type(s).

v. Marking Criteria: A full mark of 10 points is given to each question on Addition-and-Subtraction. And a full mark of 5 points is given to each question on Multiplication and Division.

vi. Errors and Mark Deduction

a. The answer must be written clearly. If handwriting is illegible or one question has two answers, it would be judged as an error.

b. The original answer must be crossed out by lines, and added up the new one thereafter. Any discretionary correction is considered as an error.

c. The contestant who start calculation in advance or postpone in the end intentionally will have deduction. There will be 20 points deduction for Addition-and-Subtraction, and 10 points deduction for Multiplication and Division.

vii. Name-rank Arrangement for Winner

a. For individual event competition, contestants with same scores will be ranked according to number of solved questions. One who solves more questions will win, with same number of solved questions one has less time will win.

b. For individual all-round contest, contestants with same scores will be ranked according to individual scores on Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division, one has higher score on the former will win. With same individual scores on Addition-and-Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division, contestant has less time on the former will win.

c. For team contest, teams with same scores will be ranked according to scores on individual all-round contest, one has the highest score will win.

III. Awarding item and Rewarding Methods

i. Awarding-item settlement

In team contest, Individual all-round contest and individual event, there are Special Prize, First Prize, Second Prize and Third prize set for each group. There is 1 Special Prize. The number of each other prizes is set according to a percentage of number of contestants, i.e. 30% for First Prize, 30% for Second Prize and 40% for Third Prize separately. Contestant with score of 0 point has no qualification to take part in awarding. Encouragement awards will be given to the contestant who has score of 100 points or less (including 100 points). The number of winning for Special and First Prize will combine together. There are no more than 50% of the amounts of awards for Special and First Prize will be given to candidates from one country/region. Similarly, there are no more than 50% of the awards for Second Prize will be given to candidates from one country/region. But there is no award limitation for Third Prize. There will be no Special Prize to be given to the group with less than three teams’ participation (containing three teams).

ii. Awarding methods

a. The Cups, medals and certificates will be given to the winner of team contest.

b. The medals and certificates will be given to the winner of individual for all-round contest and the winner of individual event.

c. The certificates will be given to the contestants who win encouragement award.

IV. Test paper

The Secretariat of WAAMA is responsible for making, printing and keeping test papers. There are total three sets of test papers available for each group contest. Deputy chief referee will randomly select one set of test paper on the spot of competition.

V. The Work of Judgment

i. The chief referee is Mr. Wang Chaocai, the Secretary-General of WAAMA. Vice president of WAAMA will take on the job of deputy chief referee. The executive chief referee is Mrs. Ni Xiaojing, who is coming from Secretariat of WAAMA. The Secretariat of WAAMA arranges interpreters. Mr. Yeh, Tseng-Yi will be in charge of the exhibition game for old group.

ii. Supervisor: Each team of member organization can dispatch 1 person to take on the job of supervision. The supervision work is arranged by the working group of competition.

iii. The staff of Secretariat of WAAMA is responsible for distributing, collecting and binding test papers.

iv. Secretariat of WAAMA will hire professional scorer to mark test papers.

v. The executive council member of WAAMA who has not been appointed as chief referee or deputy chief referee will take on the job of inspecting score work. They have no right to intervene the ordinary work of scoring. But they can recheck the score. If they find problems or have questions on the score, they can report it to the chief referee to solve it. Any individual amendment is not permitted. If the team of contest has questions on the score, they can ask the referee who is responsible for the score supervision work to make re-evaluation. If there is real problem, they should report it to the chief referee to solve it. Any individual amendment is not permitted.

vi. Due to the language problem, whistle is used as a signal for starting and ending competition.

vii. When disagreement is occurred in the work of judgment, the chief referee and deputy chief referees will make the final decision by way of consultation or ballot.

VI. Registration work

Each member unit shall fill in the questionnaire and registration form carefully and send it to the secretariat on time.

i. Please fill in the “Questionnaire on the Team of the 4th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA” and send it back to the Secretariat. The reporting time is in May 10-15, 2012.

2, Please fill in the “Registration Form for the 4th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA”. One player can only register in one group contest. It is not allowed to re-register. The registration time is from June 20 to July 10 in this year. Only when the Secretariat receives registration form in paper and in electronic form, your registration can be treated as valid. Please note that 3 players of the team contest must be appointed in advance. If you have to change one of them, please report it to the Secretariat no later than July 20 of this year. Otherwise, the change of player will be not allowed.

VII. Expenditure

All participants of competition must pay their own costs on food, accommodation and transportation.

Each contestant, leader of team and coach should pay registration fee US$30/person to organizer of competition.

The Secretariat provides “Trial Test Paper for The Third Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA” to each member organization. The test paper for Group of Player and Group A and B of Student is separately US$5 per set. The test paper for Group A and B of preschool children is US$2 per set.

Contact person:

Jing Wanbo Tel. 86-10-88191327

Mu Jingmei Tel. 86-10-88191321

E-mail: waama2011@yahoo.cn Fax 86-10-88191321


I. Questionnaire on the team of the 4th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

II. Registration Form for the 4th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

III. Trial Test Paper for the 4th Competition of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic of WAAMA

March, 2012