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2018-10-19 11:40 浏览次数:2891次 来源:世界珠心算联合会

原题:神奇的珠心算带领孩子走进奇妙的数字世界Magical Abacus make number can see&touch!

乐学苑Learning 乐学苑LearningConservatory

Make a Difference in a Childs Life with Abacus Education

Make sense of number world

More than just mathematic



我们的脑算盘课程针对4-12岁的孩子而设计。学龄前的孩子,把算盘作为玩具,让抽象的数字看得见,摸得着,数字间的关系和运算变得简单了。6 -12岁的孩子在运用算盘进行加、减、乘、除的运算中学习和掌握数学的运算原理、计算方法,不仅提高了数学能力,更重要的是培养了注意、记忆、思维、想像这些智力因素,为孩子一生的学习,生活奠定基础。

Abacus learning – encourage students to use all their senses

· When you do all yourfiguring on a computer or calculator, the process of calculating becomes a"black box."  But with the Suan Pan (abacus), number-crunchingtakes place right before your eyes yet it‘s a multisensory integrationmovement Its involve all senses  in thelearning  process.

· Visual (look the numberor beads image )

· Auditory(hear theinstruction )

· Kinesthetic (manipulateand touch the beads )

· Abacus - A wonderful resource for Abacus learning-Boost Memory power

· Abacus training processsimultaneously using multiple pathways in the brain to reach your student. Seeit, say it, hear it, and do it - all at the same time!

·         After an experience likethis, the entire brain is awake and waiting to be filled!

·         The more senses involvedin an learning process, the better the success rate of learning.

· The activeabacus learning stimulates and involvesmore parts of the cerebral cortex, producing stronger long-term memory.

· Thinking in Pictures Students boostmemory power through visualization by holding numbers in their mind whilehandling the physical or mental Abacus.

·         A Flash of Brilliance – Students create a mentalimage of the beads on their mental Abacus with the help of flash cards.Each student who completes the UCMAS program will have memorized over450,000 images.

Whole Brain Development

When children manipulate the beads of the Abacus, communication between the hands and the brain stimulates the brain’s right and left hemispheres. The right hemisphere – abstract side – creates an image memory of the beads on the Abacus while the left hemisphere – logical side – applies the requisite rules to perform the calculation. the act of conjuring up those imaginary beads enhances right-brain development. to develop the integrated and motoring functions from both sides of the brain This facilitates the functioning of "The whole brain" development


Make learning math effortless and enjoyable

-Helps develop an intuitive understanding of number concepts and numeric relationships.
-Fosters one's trust in the process of calculation by enabling one to observeit in action.

-Instantly accomplishes addition and subtractionwhen numbers are placed on the abacus.

-Improves understanding of compounded numbers(through the use of supplementary numbers for 5 and 10).

-Fosters one's confidence in calculation.
-Uses a left to right calculation method, which makes quick estimation androunding off possible.

-Develops mental calculation, which is the ultimateresource.

-Develops the right brain tremendously.

-Leads to greater mental capacity.

-Expresses large numbers simply and easily.

-Provides a sense of achievement as one'sproficiency improves

Morethan just mathematic

· whole-braindevelopment program builds foundational techniques that make learning matheffortless and enjoyable. By mastering these techniques using the Abacus,students develop the ability to think in pictures and quickly learn to performlarge calculations mentally. Over time, our students come to love a subjectthey may have once struggled with, or even feared. Attaining astonishingcalculation speed is actually the end-result of increasing the “brain-fitness.

·         Mental math is a building block for future success inall areas of study. Students learn to focus for sustained periods, to managetheir time while completing long series of sums, to think in pictures, as wellas, logically and to concentrate on more than one task at the same timewhile performing at a high standard. These are crucial life skills thatstudents will use again and again. The program activates key cognitivefunctions such as memory, attention, perception, symbolic learning and reasoning.students become motivated learners – the best route to success inacademics and beyond.

Helping Academic performance

· Establishesnumeric relations in a clear and logical way for small children

·         Enables the childto respond to questions promptly

·         Elevates memory& attention span

·         Encourages thechild to dedicate full attention to study by listening more attentively andeffectively

·         Complements andsupplements the arithmetic approaches adopted in schools

·         Helps studentsovercome the fears of mathematics, if any, and gain confidence

·         Makes the learnermore confident and interested in school works, both curricular andextra-curricular

A unique child development program

To develop curiousminds for a lifelong learning adventure

·         The  Abacus Brain Program is a unique child development program that was founded inLinyi(Shandong) in 1998 and has been offered in 5000 training center inchina  .

·         Abacus Brain promotes whole brain development bystimulating both sides of the brain using an multisensory approach , the Abacusas a teaching tool. By learning to perform mental calculations quickly andaccurately, students aged 4-12 expand their mental capacity and develop skillssuch as multitasking, time management, memory, concentration and problemsolving – skills that are crucial to success in all areas of study and in dailylife.

·         not only leads to greater student proficiency andconfidence in mathematics, it also builds the framework for children to developfundamental learning skills essential to actively succeed in school and inevery avenue of their daily life and to inspire them to achieve greatness.

Math enrichment programs for children aged 4 to 12

· The Abacus Brainprogram teaches children the fundamentals of mathematics while improving theirfocus and concentration skills.

·          We introduce students to tactile learning whilethey manipulate the beads of a abacus (Suanpan) with their hands to perform mathcalculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

·         Students are taught how to visualize a “mentalabacus, enabling them to perform math calculations in their minds (xinsuan)without the assistance of a physical abacus.

·         Students benefit from enhanced visualization skills,increased focus & concentration, a higher level of self-confidence, andreinforcement of core math abilities.

·          AbacusBrainprograms also increase the child’s brain development.

·         Similar abacus programs are very popular in many partsof Asia, notably in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore Japan and India. Overthe past several years, abacus programs have also been introduced into theWestern World, with a growing number of students across Europe   Uk and  America.


· Creates a love for math

· Increases concentration

· Improves self-confidence

· Builds proficient math skills

· Teaches visualization skills

· Increases brain development







位于英国南部萨利郡 萨顿的乐学苑 是 一个创意(creative 实践(Active 艺育(ArtsEducation)的语言文化艺术中心。我们设有学校俱乐部,周末学校和假日游学营,开设中文、珠心算、艺术启蒙、动唱乐理、艺术表演等课程。我们的宗旨是以孩子的身心发展规律为前提,以专业的课程为准绳,结合科学的教学理念,创建有趣的学习课程,开启好奇、益智的学习之旅。使孩子在关键的成长期快乐探索未知世界的同时,储备坚实的基础知识,为未来做准备。我们相信人人都是艺术家,通过各种活动让老师、家长、孩子共同的学习和成长。使自已成为独无二的自己而快乐地生活是我们共同的理想。


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